Typically will include editorial responsibility for the content, quality and style of the site, in collaboration with other freelance designers we engage .
This particular site and our other platforms incorporate a full custom IDX solution written specifically for the sites of MAM LLC . We have collectively designed the web site to allow the end user ease of access to our product and offer rich informational content to ensure that we expose the homes and land we have for sale here in Dr Phillips and Windermere including the Greater Orlando area and Central Florida . We are always interested in Link Exchanges to quality sites around the USA with rich and relevant content to enhance our clients and viewing options
One question that crosses the mind of many of our clients when they surf through our different websites is how on earth do we manage to maintain the websites being as complex as they are ? The answer to this question is simple. We have a full time team of experts managing our online marketing .They are the best in the Industry.
At Morris Realty , all daily updates of the maintenance and listings are carried out in house in addition there are several programers working in-house and freelance either part time or full time who manage our many different websites and provide the unique content found within with everything From Graphic Illustration to Video Production to highly descriptive community information .
Many companies choose to simply outsource their entire online presence as its a cheaper option to have a web site that they purchase off a shelf and purely add content . At Morris Realty our sites are all custom built from scratch. No Templates and all are original in design and content and we are fully hands on in every aspect of their functionality to ensure we deliver our clients a world class enterprise web solution for those looking to purchase or to sell property.
Our Sites embrace up to the minute technology and without question the fastest most detailed MLS search available within the industry. We have 1000s of pages of unique hand written content about all major communities and over 100,000 Property pages delivered through our RETS feeds. The sites are highly optimized for SEO and are widely acknowledged as Industry leading.
All of our sites are monitored 24 hrs a day but should you find need to alert our team of any errors they are dealt with swiftly and effectively. You can contact the team HERE